To me, there is no greater reward then when I hear stories about how people’s lives are positively changed forever after Rhinoplasty. I want to share these stories so that others who might be interested can feel more confident in making their decision.

So, I am hoping that you will take a moment to share your PERSONAL STORY with those who are looking to find a place they can depend on for outstanding care, personalized service and natural, artistic results for Rhinoplasty.

Here is a link to the site where you can leave your review. To make it easier, I have included instructions and screenshots guiding you through the process.

It shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes of your time maximum. Thank you in advance!



Click the Real Self link below and a separate window will open. Refer back to the steps outlined down this page if you have any questions.

This is the first screen you will see when the link opens. It is a link to my profile on Real Self, where you can leave your story.



Scroll down a bit until you see the box “Write a Review”.



Now you will create a title to your story and fill in some basic information about the procedure you had.



For procedure, be sure to choose Rhinoplasty from the drop down list.
If you have trouble figuring out what to say, describe why you decided on Rhinoplasty, how you chose Dr. Murray, what the process was like, how you feel about your results.



They will make you create a profile to confirm you are a real person. You do not need to leave any identifying information if you prefer not to. If you feel comfortable, you can go back and add before and after photos, selfies, whatever you want.


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